Are Microsoft over-complicating things with SharePoint?
These two posts about Microsoft SharePointare basically saying the same thing , but with completely different intentions.
Why SharePoint Portal Server is Terrible:
"SharePoint is a great idea; it was just built completely wrong. It's a perfect example of trying to build something that does everything, making the software so complicated that it is so hard to use, that it is useless."
MOSS: Effective introduction to an Organization:
"MOSS is such a big animal ... it includes content management, document management, search, security, audience targeting, project management, "fabulous forty" templates, workflow, business data connector, etc. Couple this with the fact that it's a large organization that can truly make use of virtually every major MOSS feature and you have the makings of a great project with an enterprise reach and many good things happening. We're confronted with this issue time and time again ... MOSS has an enterprise reach with its enterprise feature-set, yet even somewhat sophisticated clients have a hard time mentally absorbing those features, let alone incorporating an appreciable fraction of them into their daily routine."